AngularJS Slip Solutions
Slip 1
Write an AngularJS script to display list of games stored in an array on click of button using ng-click. And also Demonstrate ng-init, ng-bing directive of AngularJS.
Slip 2
Write a HTML code using AngularJS to generate the following output
Undergraduate Courses (hint : use ng-repeat, ng-init directive)
i. BBA(CA)
ii. BCA(Science)
iii. B.Sc.(Computer Science)
Post Graduate Courses
i. M.Sc.(Computer Science)
ii. M.Sc.(CA)
iii. MCA
Slip 3
Using AngularJS display the 10 student details in Table format (using ng-repeat directive use Array to store data).
Slip 4
Write an AngularJS script to print details of bank (bank name, MICR code, IFC code, address etc.) in tabular form using ng-repeat .
Slip 5
Write an AngularJS script for addition of two numbers using ng-init, ng-model & ngbind. And also Demonstrate ng-show, ng-disabled, ng-click directives on button component.
Slip 6 and 7
Using AngularJS Create a SPA that show Syllabus content of all subjects of SYBBA (CA)(use ng-view).
Slip 8
Create an HTML form using AngularJS that contain the Student Registration details and validate Student first and last name as it should not contain other than alphabets and age should be between 18 to 50 and display greeting message depending on current time using ng-show (e.g. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, etc.)(use AJAX).
Slip 9
Create an HTML form using AngularJS that contain the Employee Registration details and validate DOB, Joining Date, and Salary and also create a simple arithmetic calculator using radio buttons (use ng-switch, ng-switch-when)
Slip 10
Using AngularJS Create a SPA that show address and contact details of Some 5-10 top Hotels which are in pune location.(use ng-view)
Slip 11
Using AngularJS Create a SPA that show History of some(4-8) Historical Places (use MVC).
Slip 12
Using AngularJS Create a SPA for customer registration visiting a departmental store. Form should consists of fields such as name, contact no., gender, favourite item(to be selected from a list of items with Quantity) and suggestions. Display the Bill with total no of items selected and total amount to be paid.(use filter) .
Slip 13
Using AngularJS create a SPA that accept the details of student and display mark sheet ( roll_ no, student_ name, class, sub1, sub2, sub3, total, percentage, grade)
Slip 14
Using AngularJS Create a SPA to take the information of a customer for booking a plan consisting of fields such as name, address, contact no., gender, Date of booking, date of journey, no of passenger, name of passenger etc. Display the e –Ticket.
Slip 15
Using AngularJS Create a SPA for Bus Ticket Reservation consisting of fields : Name,Address, contact no, source station(Dropdown list), Destination station, Date of booking, date of journey, no of passenger, name of passenger, gender of passenger etc. Display the e –Ticket.
Slip 16
Using AngularJS display the student details who are live in pune in Table format (using ng-repeat directive, use Array to store data, use filter )
Slip 17
Write an AngularJS script to search student name according to the character typed and display details( use array and filter).
Slip 18
Using AngularJS create a SPA that shows Teacher Profile who are teaching SYBBA (CA) with photo.
Slip 19
Using AngularJS display the Employee details order by salary in Table format (using ng-repeat directive, use Array to store data, use filter).
Slip 20
Using AngularJS create a SPA that to accept the details such as name, mobile number,pin-code and email address and make validation. Name should contain character only, mobile number should contain only 10 digit, Pin code should contain only 6 digit,
email id should contain only one @, . Symbol
Slip 21
Using AngularJS create a SPA that to accept the details of doctor(5-6) having field’s dno, dname, address, and phone number. Display those in table format. (use MVC.).
Slip 22
Using AngularJS create a SPA that accept Voters details and check proper validation for (name, age, and nationality) as Name should be in upper case letters, Age should not be less than 18 yrs and Nationality should be Indian. .
Slip 23
Using AngularJS create a SPA to carry out validation for a username entered in textbox. If the textbox is blank, alert ‘Enter username’. If the number of characters is less than three, alert ’ Username is too short’. If value entered is appropriate the print ‘Valid
username’ and password should be minimum 8 characters.
Slip 24
Using AngularJS create a SPA to fetch suggestions when is user is typing in a textbox. (eg like google suggestions. Hint create array of suggestions and matching string will be displayed).
Slip 25
Create an HTML form Using AngularJS for Login system and validate email ID using Regular Expression and password should be minimum 8 characters.
Slip 26
Using AngularJS create a SPA for eLearning System.
Slip 27
Using AngularJS create a SPA for a Recipe Book.
Slip 28
Using AngularJS create a SPA that clone the “Hacker News” website.
Slip 29
Using AngularJS Develop Online School System.
Slip 30
Using AngularJS Implement E-commerce Website
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